Sunday, May 1, 2016

MAY 2016 ~ COVER PHOTO: Tucker Wright on the Tallulah River. by MikeToughill


I just finished packing my gear into the CRV. I'm prepping for a dirtbag rally early on Sunday May 1. We are blessed with the privilege of scoring one of the great 1st descents at a location we can't yet disclose in Wisconsin… More to come on that in a moment.

May is one of our favorite months at Dirt Bag Paddlers, all 125 Admins from countries all over the world. Typically we are all running rivers this month, north south east and west. In every direction, on every size river, with all types of craft, we ride. I looked for a recent photo from our Admin team that would sum up the power and glory of this ideal state of mind that May delivers, something powerful for our cover photo. I got what I was looking for, along with a massive Wallace thrown in for good measure, from Tucker Wright kayaking on the Tallulah River in the state of Georgia in the USA.

I asked Tucker to explain what May is like in his native Southeast. "Spring release season is like Christmas every weekend,” Tucker says, “with something different running every week. It's fun for me because it lets me know boating season is really getting going, and it's awesome to start off the season with things like Tallulah and the Nanny Cascades."

DBP Admin Tucker Wright, 25
Guide at Smoky Mountain Outdoors on the Pigeon River, Hartford, TN

“I paddled expedition style sea kayaks for about four years before getting into whitewater, and this coming season will be my fourth year. I’ve always said if I ever gave whitewater a try I bet I'd like it. My first training trip was down the Dirty Bird at about 9700 cfs and that's all it took, I was in. Now I work for ENO Hammocks when I'm not on the water. It's a great job in a great location for whitewater action.”

Tucker's highlight reel

Chattooga this Spring!

Tucker and dirtbags everywhere will be going big this month! As I said earlier, I'm rallying with Rick Klade, Dale #danewho Guarniere, Sam Schank, and Jon “Sizzler” Sisley to run and record an epic 1st D to start May right! The river we are headed to is juiced too! Super high water should make for an amazing article in this edition. Stay tuned!! 

DBP MAGAZINE ONLINE is going big as well, with dank nuggets of whitewater served up fresh every few days. Expect a report from Cheat Fest (look for DBP swag in the silent auction supporting our homies at Friends of the Cheat) in West Virginia, touching base with RAW Adrenaline founder and DBP Admin Paul Teasdale from the Zambezi River in Africa, a review of Tom Martin’s new Canyonlands guidebook, the long anticipated interview by DBP Admin Priscilla Macy of PNW whitewater photographer
Paul Thomson, and my thoughts on the recent allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct by US Forest Service boatmen, along with many other stories from The River, all in May. 

Thanks for coming along! 
Chicago Mike Toughill

"We exist to share stories of paddlers of all disciplines from all over the world; to interview icons and playmakers in the paddling community and whitewater industry; to preserve the stories of our collective history; to raise awareness of and to protect our rivers and resources; to promote whitewater festivals and events; to report on competitions and competitors in the race community; to give a home to the artistic side of paddling in poetry, artwork, music, comics, and humor; to be inclusive not exclusive, to preach unity and support, safety and camaraderie; to break down the barriers that separate society; to have a global outlook with a local feel; and to celebrate the Dirtbag Lifestyle!"

So get out there, be awesome, and make this world a better place!!

All Forward Thinking. 

That's what it's all about! Expanding our sport's horizons is something we are actively doing... Reminding each other that our community is the same no matter where the River is, the color of skin or language spoken. On The River it's all one language, the language of Flow. 

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