Saturday, November 29, 2014


Have a great story to tell? A photo expośe on your latest mission? Some original art, or a report on the environment or something else from around the DBWorld? We here at Dirt Bag Paddlers are always looking for new submissions to DBP MAGAZINE ONLINE! We'd love your input! We have always felt that DBP isn't about US, it's about YOU and ALL OF US. We exist because of the community of paddlers that have grown up organically on all of the whitewater rivers of the world, and we are here to serve and entertain you - FOR FREE! So shoot us an email at with your ideas or article and let's get your word out there! CHEERS!!

1 comment:

  1. great tribute. He did not know me but now i know a little about him. The great thing about the community is that i know a few guys that sound just like him. Spreading the love.
